Sunday, February 26, 2023

it has been a while!

It has been a while since I even thought about my blog.  I had a spot of bother on December 5, 2022 and it put me back for a little bit.  It's only the last couple of weeks that I was even interested in doing some quilting.  But once I got started it just seemed to snowball a little.  Well make that a lot.  I finished a quilt that DD # 1 had brought to quilt over the Christmas holidays but unfortunately that fell by the wayside too.  So I got that one'll see that at the end of this blog. The above quilt is a 'cuddle quilt' that I will be donating to our cuddle quilt program at Guild.  It was a panel of the old readers that I learned to read with.....that would be boomer's nostalgia for sure.  A lovely lady at the Quoddy Quilters (no longer active group) in St. Andrews found it in the 'states' and brought it for me to do something with.  Now that was at least 15-16 years ago and when I started cleaning out my projects I found it.  It was meant to be a cloth book but I chopped it up and made this instead. It made a sweet little quilt for a toddler...pre-school age for sure.
I also found a bunch of antique, no less that another lady gave me to "do something with them".  I will set my little brain to that project next....I am having the greatest time finishing up all these projects. Once I get them all done I will have to work on the 'new' projects that need doing as well.....
This is the quilt DD #1 brought. I loved the colours and the interesting design....easy peasy to do and if you look closely you will see some appliqued leaves to add a little more character. It was to be added to the pile but a name was presented at Guild of a lady just starting her chemotherapy so it is now being makes me so happy to know that these quilts bring a little comfort. I love the craft so much and I have  such a practical streak that I cannot just quilt for the sake of quilting.....I need to have a purpose for the finished product or it just seems too wasteful.....ah well, life is good.

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