The second picture is of my klosjes..100 of them sewn together and 8 more that I finished last night. I decided that 100 is not's too small for a baby quilt and too wide for a table runner...I really wasn't thinking ahead there at all. Sooo....I'll just keep adding more until I get enough for a lap quilt and then I will decide what to do with it...
This last picture is of the baby quilt that I started a while ago. I initially thought I would make it square (5 X 5) with a border. My sister in law came to visit last weekend...she has been a source of great common sense for me for years...and she suggested I keep it as wide as the backing I had chosen rather than have to piece a backing...makes sense, right?.. can't see the border around is the same width as the squares...I plan on doing a little applique and then scalloping the edges...always love to do some applique...keeps me out of trouble.
I normally would have more things to post but the dustpuppies (dustbunnies have been replaced) have been multiplying... sheltie "Tigger" is throwing her be expected after having two surgeries in the last 3 months. She keeps us on our toes...a very active little girl...I keep forgetting she is only 9 months old.
Your batik star quilt is gorgeous!!! Such beautiful quilting, my dear. You have done yourself proud. Love all the kloesjes, too. They look so pretty all together. Whatever you decide to make of them, it will be great. :-) Carol
Your quilting is amazing!! I love the pattern you've chosen. You're so right about getting halfway through quilting. One minute it feels as though you'll never finish then all of a sudden it's all down hill.
This is another pretty.Do you use a pattern to do the quilting of the top. Trish
Sylvia's quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I love the white blocks with the quilting in them. Oh man, that's going to be one beautiful quilt.
I love them all. I can send you my address if they need homes when complete :-)
I can't believe how beautiful this is. The hand quilting--amazing! I, too, try to machine quilt-not on one of those expensive long arms - just my Viking. However, I limit it to smaller sizes like runners or square table toppers. Your hand quilting though, is gorgeous.
(sorry about the snake picture)
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