Monday, June 8, 2020

Precious heirlooms

Several years ago...almost 50 to be more exact , when DH and I were first married we were given a hooked rug...being a non-craft person at the time I did not value or understand the  work that went into such things (the same could be said for my quilting adventure).  It was used well and over time became damaged....I still have it and now that I understand just what went into the making of that rug it is my intent to find a rug hooker to repair it for me.  That being said, yesterday DH and I were gifted with these beauties....both hooked by his Mom.  The swan one I remember seeing before but the "modern" quilt design is one I had not seen before. After dabbling in rug hooking and realizing the amount of work and skill that is involved in the making of these rugs I am beyond thrilled.  They are in our keeping for our daughters . Once they choose their rug they will be going to them. It is ironic really ...about 10 years ago I had tried to find some hooked rugs for them for Christmas gifts and was unsuccessful....what is that expression "everything shall come to he who waits"......

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