Monday, December 3, 2018

Got some show and Tell!

 This summer when I was in Nfld...I visited many quilt shops...yeah!!!
In Gander, my home town, I came across this called my name despite the fact I'm really not supposed to add to my Christmas "stuff"...I'm supposed to downsize and get rid of some things.  But this one was fun to do and I really like it. It tickles my funny bone.  The top reindeer is "Chilly" , he's got snow on his ears, head and nose and his teeth are grimacing with cold...poor baby...the second one was supposed to have ornaments on his antlers...didn't have any so I hung snowflakes ...ergo his name is "Flakey"  and the third one has Christmas lights on his antlers and his name is "Bulby". The fourth one is , of course, "Santy".  The designer did not name them, I did... yeah, I know I'm just a big kid at heart.
Finished this one the other night. It will be going on our bed for the is big enough and is called "Winter Wishes"...appropriate name. If I had my time back I think I would have not had so much of the dark green in the borders...adding , perhaps a red would have brightened it up some. As it is , I find it dark...ah well, it will keep us warm and that is the main thing.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Personally I think it's great to add to your Christmas "stuff". I follow the one out theory that someone will love my "outs" at the local thrift shop. I would not have passed up that reindeer quilt!!
xx, Carol

Barb said...

Oh my gosh, I wish I lived closer to do the kind of quilts I just love to do myself...awesome!