This was great fun to do. Once I got the pattern set in my mind all I had left to do was experiment with colour. It is something I often have difficulty with. Especially value...I've tried taking a picture and changing it to black and white and determining the value by the darkness of the grey but I still don't have a great success with it. One thing I have learned about this design, is that there should be a great difference between the dark and the light to determine the 3D effect and the medium should lean towards the dark side. (May the Force be with you!)
I have always admired this block, yours look stunning! Thanks for the tip too. ♥
Yes, I suppose if you don't have a big difference in value, they will not seem as 3D. Neat stuff. I like how the one with grey looks.
Have fun at the GOG... It sounds like everyone made a new bag to go to the GOG. I may drop down for an hour on Saturday afternoon..
Your blocks look awesome. Great colours.
Wow, these blocks really pop. I love the color choices. What will you be doing with them? Will you make a whole quilt or are you just playing around?
This is looking good...I'll be looking forward to seeing how it turns out as you go along.Trish
Wow, it's looking pretty darn great to me. I think you've got the values sorted.
This is an amazing block! I just stare at it and keep falling more and more in love with it. If I didn't have so many other projects going...
I love your colors - you have an eye for it!
those cubes are amazing
Those are great. So cool. It looks like you could reach right down inside them!
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