Monday, September 7, 2020

Lessons learned...

I am very interested in doing some custom I decided to do some start and stop quilting on this quilt to see how I made out.  I marked the sashing and the border so that I had a curvy pattern to follow...with leaves. Well that didn't work out as well as I had hoped.  Seems I am rubbish on close curves...requires that control that is so necessary to get the shape you're looking for. I'm not so pleased about my work on the borders and sashes.  

However, it appears I am pretty good on straight lines....who knew.....there were a couple of spots where I could have angled just a tad better but on a whole my straight lines in the rectangles aren't too bad. So I am good for something at least.

I really want to be more consistent with curves and loops and such so I will just have to keep trying.  I'm back to work tomorrow so I will have to confine my free motion quilting to the least for six weeks or more. It will be a wrench to put my long arm play aside but if I work long enough and make enough moolah , the computer might be in my future.  One can always hope...cheers!


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