Saturday, February 13, 2021

A month off!

I've been off since the end of January so I did a lot of knitting (6 pairs of Newfie mitts and 1 sweater finished and working at night on a second one) just for things to do.  This quilt was done piecmeal through the last couple of weeks. It is called Whirlygig and it is one of those patterns that can be done methodically without really giving it any thought.  Fun to do.

 I put it in the frame to quilt a couple of days ago and would quilt a bobbin full then walk away .....go back and quilt another bobbin full...took three bobbins in all and that is with Glide thread that really fills up a bobbin.  Ah well, it was worth it..I practised my feather making and really enjoyed  that.  Not sure if you enlarge the pictures if you can actually see the quilting.  If not, let me tell you that I had to do feathers......

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