Saturday, January 25, 2020

Top number six!

I love this type of snow...great big, fat snowflakes that fall slowly and obscure the view.....makes me want to go out and build a snowman...not that I did or would, I just would like to. Don't tell anyone or they would think I am a nutbar!!
Here is top number six...for my chemo quilt collection. I am still waiting for the batting to arrive. Since it comes from British Columbia and wasn't sent out until sometime this week , it may take a while.  A lesson in patience never hurt least I hope not.

I originally planned on making a four by five all pinwheel quilt but the fabric I used is kind of cutesy and I didn't have enough of it to fulfill my wish.  So instead I made the old fashioned cornerstone and sashing type of quilt before I realized I didn't have enough to do the outside borders as well. I do have enough of the cornerstone fabric to bind the quilt so that should be ok.  It will , of course, be just fine once it is all quilted and bound. Now I shall work on number seven.  No rest for the wicked!


junepaulette said...

It’s really beautiful- both your quilt and your snow: )

junepaulette said...

Your quilt is Beautiful and your back yard is Heavenly too.