Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A fun little project.

I found the instructions for this little project on line and decided I should just have one.  It's an I pad support  and even though I don't have an I Pad...I do have a Blackberry  playbook and I really like to play games when I'm lunching by myself. I could never find anything to keep the tablet angled  this  was a no-brainer.

The little flower was kind of fun to do as well.

Here's another angle.  I'm just so tickled...didn't take long to do and the only issue I had was finding a rock for the weight inside.  I had to shovel some snow and use the shovel to dig a rock out of the frozen ground. Dirty job but someone had to do it.

1 comment:

GailM. said...

Oh,so cute. We have a play book. That stand is the perfect size.