He was called Skeeter, named in honour of the singer who passed away the week he came into our lives six years ago. He made quite an impact on our day to day living. He wanted to be helpful. If I used a rag to wipe a spot on the floor he grabbed it with his teeth and "helped". He chased away vicious squirrels and defended his property with great zeal. He would herd us...after all, he was a sheep dog.His coat was magnificent and his tail swept the floor. He hated to be brushed but once it was done, he pranced around like the little prince he was. He loved everybody, especially women that talked baby talk to him...I think he was a real softie at heart but thought he was a "big boy". We will miss this little guy more than words can say.
Gail, I am so sorry about Skeeter. I know how much you and Fred loved Skeeter. Buddy wants you to know how badly he feels as well. Take care. Linda
I am so sorry to hear this.I can not know how hard it is.God Bless Trish
I'm so sorry your dear friend is gone and I know that he leaves an empty space in your home. It sounds like he had the best human friends and best home that a doggie could want. Hugs - Carol
I know you are going to miss him.I'm sorry to hear this.God Bless Trish
I know this so very hard for you and there is nothing to say that will help.
If you havent already done this -google "Rainbow Bridge".There is a lovely poem there thattalks about the loss of a beloved animal companion.
Thinking of you.
Oh Gail, I'm so very sorry. Skeeter was a wonderful companion for you, I understand how much you will miss him. Remember all the good times you had with him, and how he made you smile each day... I'm sure he knew he was well loved and he loved you right back!
Hugs to you...
Oh I'm so sad for you, Skeeter wasn't very old and you'll always miss him but what a sweet boy he was.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We lost our dear 8 year old caramel cocker, Dutchess 4 years ago, and I have tears in my eyes thinking about how much we miss for her still. Then last year, we lost our Kitty. She was 18. She was a noisy cat and it was months before we got used to the quiet house. Take care.. I know you miss Skeeter.
I am so sorry. ♥
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